Having asthma can add considerable challenges to everyday life, especially while you're exercising or are in an environment with potent smells. Although visiting an asthma specialist and getting the right medication will greatly improve your quality of life, you can also make everyday changes to your lifestyle to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks or difficulty breathing. Although home-based remedies aren't an alternative to seeking professional care, taking the proper steps can keep you breathing easy. Here are some ideas to implement.

Improve Your Home's Air

Improving the quality of the air that circulates through your home might sound like a major undertaking, but a series of simple changes can make a difference. During the summer months, shut your windows and turn on your air conditioner. Doing so reduces the instances of asthma-triggering particles in the air, which is especially common when pollen is at its peak. In the winter, limit your use of the fireplace and ensure your furnace filter is replaced regularly. Regardless of the season, prohibit smoking in your home, ask guests to abstain from wearing heavy scents, and dust and vacuum your rooms regularly.

Change Your Diet

The choices you make in the kitchen can positively impact the frequency and severity of your asthma symptoms. When you cook, using anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and oregano can be beneficial, while foods such as fish, berries and garlic are each widely recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties. You can further reduce inflammation in your body by limiting your intake of grains, unhealthy fats and added sugars. Another approach is to opt for small, regular meals throughout the day instead of three large meals and to avoid eating too closely to your bedtime. 

Manage Your Stress

Frequent bouts of high stress can easily lead to an asthma attack, and taking steps to manage how you respond to life's major and minor challenges can improve your ability to handle your asthma. The methods you can use to manage stress are vast, including taking up a calming hobby such as yoga, devoting time each day to something you enjoy, spending time outside or with your family, speaking about your stress to a qualified health professional or making regular massage therapy appointments. Don't be afraid to try something out of your comfort zone -- practicing meditation and breathing calmly allow you to learn the steps that help you relax and work toward a stress-free life.

For more help reducing your asthma symptoms, contact a company like The Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center, PC.
