If you can't seem to sit still or focus on tasks for very long without becoming fidgety, restless or bored, you may wonder if you have adult ADHD and if you should ask your doctor about it. While most people may associate ADHD with children, teens and young adults, 8 to 9 million adults also suffer from the problem. Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, can be both challenging and frustrating to cope with if you don't know more about it. Here are more things to know about adult ADHD and what you can do to find out if you have it.

How Does Adult ADHD Affect You?

ADHD can trigger a number of negative behaviors that affect how you get through daily activities such as school, work and raising a family. One of the problems associated with the condition is compulsive behavior. Adults and other people with ADHD have a tendency to do things without thinking and have very little control over their actions. Some people will constantly lie or make things seem bigger or worse than they actually are. When other individuals try to correct the lies, adults with ADHD refuse to listen and continue to believe their lies.

Other adults with the disorder will develop habits, such as shopping every day with money they can't afford to spend. The behavior may lead to stealing as a way to continue their habit. If you experience these problems and those mentioned above, it's essential that you see a doctor for help.

How Do You Find Out if You Have Adult ADHD?

Most cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders are diagnosed when people are young. But it's possible to go undiagnosed well into adulthood. A physician who treats ADHD can use a variety of diagnostic methods to see if you have the disorder, including administering psychological tests to you. The tests may ask about your daily activities, how you react to different situations and if you have habits, such as overspending or daydreaming.

The diagnostic methods are designed to rule out other possible causes for your behaviors, such as mood disorders. Mood disorders like depression and anxiety can mimic ADHD. Certain medications that affect your moods may trigger symptoms similar to ADHD. Once a doctor rules out other conditions, they can treat you successfully with medications, therapy and other valuable treatments.

For more details, facts or information about adult ADHD, contact an ADHD doctor today.
