Unlike adults, children who get sinus infections often don't know how to express the symptoms they are feeling and therefore, it is not uncommon for the issue to be misdiagnosed. The developing sinus passages of a child can mean that the symptoms associated with a sinus infection, also sometimes called sinusitis, are a little different than what you would expect as an adult. As a parent getting to know the symptoms of a pediatric sinus infection will help you be better able to treat the issue and contact the doctor when necessary. Here is a quick look at few of the symptoms of a sinus infection in a child.
Your child is complaining that their eyes or forehead is hurting.
As an adult, you can probably guess when a sinus infection is coming on by one telltale symptom: a sinus headache. The fact is, sinus infections often create a sense of pressure in the sinus cavities that leads to a very easily recognizable type of headache. However, children don't always know how to express what a headache feels like; they just know that something hurts. They may tell you that their eyes are hurting or their forehead feels funny. And they may not say anything at all, but you will notice they seem to not feel well or want to rest more often than usual.
Your child's nasal discharge is green or dark yellow.
They say you can tell a lot about a child's illness by their nasal discharge and this is definitely the case with a sinus infection. In fact, your child's snot may be the only thing that tells you there is a sinus infection at play. If your child's nasal discharge is green, yellow, or a mixture of green and yellow, it is an almost surefire sign that they are suffering from sinusitis. It is not even uncommon for the pediatrician to use this nasal discharge color to diagnose a sinus infection, so make sure you bring it up.
Your child's eyes appear puffy and swollen.
When your youngster doesn't feel good, you can often tell by looking at their eyes. With a sinus infection, the area around the eyes, specifically the upper and lower lids, may look more puffy and swollen than usual. This is caused by the pressure of the sinus cavities being stopped up, so it is nothing to be terribly concerned about. However, if you spot this symptom, it is best to contact your pediatrician for an appointment.
For more information about sinus infections, contact a clinic like Rochester Otolaryngology Group PC.