Studies show that 1 in every 4 American children has a vision problem that significantly affects learning. This problem could be a visual processing disorder, which causes issues with the way your child's brain processes visual information. Since it's hard to tell which vision disorder your child is suffering from, it's advisable to take them to an eye specialist for a visual processing exam.

Here are the five main indicators that your child may require a visual processing exam:

1. Poor Concentration

When your child has poor concentration, they are easily distracted. Some of the signs of poor concentration that you should watch include:

  • Frequent fidgeting when you are speaking to them.
  • Struggling to sit still.
  • Difficulties paying attention, even to simple instructions.
  • Failing to finish homework.

When your child frequently loses attention at school or home, it may be a sign of attention deficit disorder caused by a visual problem. You need to take them for a visual processing exam.

2. Struggles Copying Notes

Teachers may let you know that your child has issues copying notes from the chalkboard. In some other cases, the child may complain that copying notes is too difficult for them. When they copy, they may skip some words, sentences, or a paragraph. You shouldn't rush to blame the child for laziness or carelessness. It might be a visual problem that requires a visual processing exam.

3. Daydreaming

Daydreaming occurs to everyone. It is estimated that 96% of adults experience a few seconds or minutes of daydreaming every day. Like adults, children also daydream, and it's normal. However, if you notice maladaptive daydreaming, it could signify a major underlying visual problem. Kids with this problem block out of reality and enter into a world of imagination for more than five minutes. In such a case, you need to take them for a visual processing exam.

4. Inability to Identify Some Words

If you want to know if your child has a visual processing disorder, give them a piece of writing and ask them to read. You will notice if they skip some words, even the simple ones. If you ask them, they will tell you that they can't identify the words. The teacher might also frequently complain of the same problem.

5. Struggling with Directionality of Letters

If your child has visual processing disorder, their visual perception is significantly affected. In most cases, the directionality of letters becomes a real problem. For instance, they write letters backward. In other instances, they mix upper case with lower case letters and find it hard to write in a straight line. This problem could be visual, and the child needs a visual processing exam.

The Takeaway

Unless you are keen, it's hard to tell when a child has a visual processing disorder. However, you can engage the child's teacher to see if they have noted any of the above signs. If you suspect that your child's learning problem is visual-related, book a visual processing exam.
