There are a lot of instruments and equipment your medical practice will invest in over the years. If you're looking to purchase a temperature-scanning kiosk in particular, then here is some advice that can lead to a solid purchase.
Make Sure Fever Alarm Is Provided
If patients come in with fevers that indicate a serious illness, then you need to isolate them fast before they get other patients and your staff sick. In that case, you should look for a temperature-reading kiosk that offers fever alarms.
Then if a fever is detected in a patient, audible alarms will go off and you'll know to respond immediately. This ensures fevers don't go undetected and subsequently unreported. Not every kiosk has these capabilities, so you need to make sure you're targeting ones that do as to have added convenience in identifying patients with high temperatures.
Opt For Audio Commands That Guide Patients
There may be some patients who've never had to use a temperature-reading kiosk before. As a result, they may have no clue what to do when using one. Fortunately, you can find kiosks equipped with audio commands that walk patients through the steps they need to take.
These commands include where to stand, how to position their face, and when they can leave the vicinity. Your patients won't have to feel confused or have their temperatures taken incorrectly thanks to these audio commands that can even be customized to your practice's liking. They can just follow instructions and then simplify this temperature-reading process as a whole.
Go the Extra Mile With Facial Recognition
In order to better deal with temperature data that's gathered from patients that come into your practice, you should look for temperature-reading kiosks with facial recognition capabilities. They'll be pivotal for quickly verifying each patient and sending their temperature data to the right profile.
This is key when serving patients who are already in your system. Having this system is also important from a security standpoint. You can make sure each patient is who they say they are and then gather their temperatures appropriately before ultimately seeing them.
If you have a medical practice that needs to get temperatures on all patients and staff that come in — such as during a pandemic — then you probably should invest in temperature-reading kiosks. They simplify taking temperatures. You just need to look at a couple of options and think about features your practice could really use.