Chronic back pain from a herniated disc takes its toll on your life. If you can't move without pain, or if you're in pain all the time, it's difficult to work or have a social life. Back pain can be difficult to treat, so you may need to go to a back pain management facility. Here are back pain treatments to consider for a herniated disc.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy treatments might help your pain. You might be positioned on a table in a way that relieves pressure on your herniated disc. This might also improve blood flow so healing can begin. The therapist may also teach you how to position your body so you can keep pressure off your disc when you sleep, sit, or stand at home or at work.

Pain Injections

Your doctor might consider injecting a corticosteroid near your injured disc. This is sometimes given with an anesthetic. The anesthetic provides immediate pain relief while the steroid works to reduce inflammation for long-term pain relief.

PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma is used for many conditions that require regenerative body repair. It is sometimes used to treat disc problems by injecting growth factors near the disc that work to regenerate injured tissues.

This treatment uses your own blood to make the platelet-rich plasma, so the risk of side effects is low. This back pain management treatment doesn't provide immediate pain relief. Instead, it works over time by helping your body heal your back injury.


Surgery is not always needed since other forms of treatment are often effective. However, if other treatments don't reduce your pain and allow your spine to heal, surgery could be an option. Your surgeon might remove all or part of the disc so it no longer puts pressure on your spine.

Depending on the type of surgery you have, you may also need a spinal fusion to stabilize your spine in the area where the disc was removed.

Home Treatments

Back pain management begins at home. Rest in a position that relieves your back pain. Rest often, but don't be sedentary because you need exercise to help with healing too. You can also try heat treatments at home to increase circulation and reduce pain.

Avoid putting strain on your back by wearing high heels or doing strenuous exercises or heavy lifting. Follow all of your doctor's instructions for home care so your recovery is fast. It may take weeks for your back to heal and for the pain to go away. Your doctor may want to monitor your progress and adjust your treatments as you heal. 
